Complex habitat development in Zemplén

2024. 08. 30.

The Aggtelek National Park Directorate has managed to implement a comprehensive project within seven years, which has enabled that the Zemplén region once again welcome its animal and plant lovers in a renewed environment.

The Directorate has managed to develop and to maintain a nearly 1,300 hectares of meadows, pastures, forests, and swamps in the municipal boundaries of Bodrogkeresztúr, Bodrogkisfalud, Fony, Olaszliszka, Sátoraljaújhely and Tokaj, with the support of the Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Programme.  In order to restore the natural environment to a healthy state and improve the ecosystem of the area, the Aggtelek National Park Directorate has aimed to improve the ecological status of protected and Natura 2000 habitats in the landscape area requiring conservation management through various habitat development and land management activities.

Due to the different types of landscapes of the areas, the Directorate’s staff and the companies involved used different methods and tools to carry out restoration work, primarily to control invasive alien plant species, regulate ecological processes, increase structural diversity and expand open water areas in wetlands.

Thanks to the support, a modern centre has been established in Bodrogkeresztúr, which provides proper conditions for costumer service and for land management tasks as well as storing machineries. The project also included the purchase of forestry and agricultural machineries, field vehicles and manual land management tools for nature conservation purposes, which resulted in a significant qualitative increase in the machinery available in the Zemplén region.

The project also focused on awareness-raising activities, where staff introduced the Natura 2000 species and habitats in the area to kindergarten, primary and secondary school children through field and classroom sessions. The publications produced and the nature educational trails developed will continue to be important elements for future education regarding environment and nature.


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The development was implemented from EU funding in the project KEHOP-4.1.0-15-2016-00028 under the Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Programme.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:Details



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