Digital transformation of municipalities with European Union’s support

2024. 08. 09.

The introduction and development of the municipal ASP system is not only a technological innovation, but also significantly improves the efficiency and accessibility of public services in Hungary. As a result of the project, e-government has become accessible quickly and conveniently for both municipal employees and citizens, thereby contributing to the reduction of administrative burden and the modernization of public services.

The digitalisation of the municipal sector in Hungary under the Public Administration and Civil Service Development Operational Programme (KÖFOP) with the help of European Union funds, has been achieved in two stages over the past few years. The introduction of the Application Service Provider (ASP) system not only brought technological advances, but also meant a significant step in electronic administration.

The first step of the project, “Setting up a Local ASP Centre” (ASP 1.0), has begun its services for small and medium-sized municipalities in the region of Central Hungary. During the implementation of the project, the state provided the municipalities a comprehensive application package for free, which supported electronic management through integrated technical systems. With the help of this system, both municipal employees and citizens can manage their affairs easily and effectively, whether it is an industrial license or a request for social assistance.

The success of ASP 1.0 led to the launch of the second phase, the “Further development and national expansion of the municipal ASP system” (ASP 2.0). The aim was to expand and develop ASP services nationwide, thus ensuring high quality, legally compliant e-government for all Hungarian municipalities.

At its core, the ASP system is a cloud-based central service provided by the Government Data Centre, which ensures that all municipalities have access to the same high quality of support, where they can manage their affairs in accordance with current legislation. Local government staff can authenticate themselves using their web browser and electronic ID card and easily access the ASP framework and specialised systems through the e-government portal.

Within the framework of the ASP 2.0’s project, services including online payment system was introduced, through which citizens and enterprises can pay taxes, fees and invoices, further increasing the convenience and efficiency of electronic administration.

Joining the ASP system is mandatory for all local authorities in Hungary, as required by law. This ensures that e-government is accessible and compliant to all municipalities.

The development was implemented from EU funding in the project KÖFOP-1.0.0-VEKOP-15-2016-00008 under the Public Administration and Civil Service Development Operational Programme.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:Details



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