Incubator house helps boost local economy in Daruszentmiklós

2024. 08. 28.

Under the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme, an incubation infrastructure has been set up in Daruszentmiklós to support local and regional entrepreneurial capacity. This has helped to increase the number of marketable businesses linked to the municipality and to create a stable and growing local micro, small and medium sized enterprises.

The municipality of this Fejér County’s village has set up a service incubator house, which, in addition to providing preferential rent, offers favourable infrastructure opportunities for the businesses that set up there. Thanks to the incubator house, businesses are surrounded by a supportive environment that reduces the risk of business failure for start-ups and young, growing enterprises and helps them to develop, especially at the critical early stages of their operation.

The project has created community spaces that support the start-up and development of services related to industrial development. In addition, the basic infrastructure within the property line (e.g. utilities, power lines and access surfaces) was built and the tools and equipment needed to carry out the incubation activities were procured.

The incubator house, which is home to businesses, will contribute to the creation of jobs and improve the population retention of the surrounding settlements.

The development was implemented from EU funding in the project TOP-1.1.2-16-FE1-2017-00001 under the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:Details



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