Steps from school leaving to tertiary education

2024. 08. 26.

Today, there are more and more pupils entering schools who have learning, behavioural and integration problems and are at risk of dropping out. With EU funding, the Belvárosi Tanoda Foundation Secondary School (BTAG) offers help and a more predictable future for these students.

The school prioritises educating and mentoring of young people aged 16 to 25 who have been skipping or were dropped out of school, have problems with their behavior or social integration. The school’s goal is to help these disadvantaged young people to successfully complete their school-leaving exams and go to further education. BTAG offers personalised learning, mental health care, life coaching, career guidance courses and community activities. Training of teachers and mentors as to could deal with deviance problems is really important so several accredited training courses have been developed.

The Belvárosi Tanoda Foundation Secondary School is part of the project called “Steps. Initiatives to support further education in the Belvárosi Tanoda”, implemented by the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Programme with EU funding. Within its framework complex assistance is provided to disadvantaged students, especially when it comes to mentoring and holding regular skill-building sessions to them. Again, the aim is to achieve finishing their secondary education, reduce drop-outs and increase the chances of going to further education, while supporting pupils individually and improving their basic and subject skills. Progress diaries allow students’ progress to be accurately monitored.

The role of the community in reducing early school leaving cannot be neglected, so they also help in this area by organising community and external programmes for networking in which families are also being involved.

The project will not only help to reduce the drop-out rate of disadvantaged students with behavioural and integration problems, but will also significantly improve their chances of obtaining a higher education qualification.

The development was implemented from EU funding in the project VEKOP-7.3.6-17-2018-00013 under the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Programme.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:Details



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