Discover the Gate to the Gerecse Mountains – the tourism development of Tatabánya

2023. 07. 14.

The municipality of Tatabánya, using EU support has set up a visitor centre, something that has been much needed for decades, on Kő-hegy (Stone Mountain) regarded as the entry point to the Gerecse Mountains, where the Turul Monument attracts a lot of visitors. This development is of paramount importance from the tourism aspect for Tatabánya, harnessing the location and natural endowments of the settlement, the magic of the Gerecse and Vértes Mountains, the proximity of the River Danube and the unique character of the Turul Statue and the Szelim Cave.

The visitor centre established on Stone Mountain, known as the gateway to the Gerecse Mountains, awaits tourists with floor space of 500 square metres including an exhibition space, restaurant, gift shop, gallery, equipment rental, parking lot and accessible restrooms. Besides making the surroundings of the Turul Monument and the Szelim Cave visitor-friendly, new educational trails and a playground have also been built. Picnic spots and fitness equipment are to be found as well as the breathtaking views of the via ferrata routes, which have been available for adventurers with various levels of preparedness, for some years now. The visitor centre has not only contributed to the development of the local economy but also expanded the opportunities for tourists in and around Tatabánya, since the neighbouring areas, such as Tata, Vértesszőlős and Várgesztes also offer several opportunities to discover the sights, the hikes and to organise professional programmes.

The development was implemented due to project TOP-6.1.4-15-TB1-2016-00001 under the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme by involving European Union funding.

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