E-ügyintézés has become simpler and more transparent in public administration

2024. 02. 01.

In recent years, administrative procedures in Hungary have become simpler and more transparent through the application and development of the SZEÜSZ. Thanks to the development carried out during the 2014-2020 European Union programming period, the range of available electronic services has expanded and become more transparent.

The Hungarian government has been working for years to support administrative procedures with modern digital solutions. As part of this process, the SZEÜSZ system was created to modernize and streamline regulated electronic transaction services. While the system proved successful, feedback and needs from users prompted further development by the operator.

The project aimed at reducing administrative burdens, conducted between 2015 and 2021, was coordinated by the National Infocommunications Service Company and financed by Hungary’s budget, as well as the European Social Fund under the Public Administration and Public Service Development Operational Program (KÖFOP) and the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Program (VEKOP).

Thanks to the investment, the range of available electronic services expanded at the Government Data Center. This allows Hungarian citizens, businesses, and authorities to save time and access these services more flexibly and quickly. The functions of the SZEÜSZ system are applied in every administrative electronic transaction. Furthermore, other relevant organizations can now integrate the renewed structure into their electronic processes quickly and cost-effectively without independent development.

In practice, this means that several e-government services (electronic identification, authorization, payment, delivery, signature) have received a more modern format. For example, the disposition register now allows for easy electronic authorization in case of hindrance, allowing someone to act on behalf of the individual, collect official documents, or handle matters at one of the government offices. This option is available to both individuals and businesses.

The partial code-based telephone identification, which is part of the SZEÜSZ system, is also a useful option as it substitutes online transactions, which some part of the population still considers a basic expectation. The electronic payment and accounting system is another essential feature, enabling the simple payment of procedural fees and taxes in administrative matters without the need to wait in unnecessary queues.

With the development of a system that complies with international standards and domestic legal requirements, millions of Hungarians have found administrative procedures and the use of electronic transaction services to be simplified and more transparent.

The program was implemented with European Union funding in the KÖFOP-1.0.0-VEKOP-15-2016-00025 project under the Public Administration and Civil Service Development Operational Programme and the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Programme.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:Details



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