Independence for the blind and visually impaired – Távszem (Remote Eye)!

2023. 08. 18.

A Hungarian mobile application developed with EU funding helps the blind and visually impaired. With the help of Távszem, the everyday lives of the visually impaired have become significantly easier, as the mobile application provides them with operator assistance 24/7.

For many, everyday activities such as telling paper money apart, starting the washing machine, finding dropped objects, or receiving land reading etters are challenges. This is alleviated by an EU-funded mobile app for the blind and visually impaired. To use the Távszem service, only a mobile phone running iOS or Android is needed. If they need help with anything – whether it’s checking the expiry date of a product, setting up the coffee machine, reading the mail – all they have to do is start the app and the operators at the Távszem centre can help them. The development is a vital help for many Hungarians with visual impairments every day, demonstrated by the around 100 calls a day that the operators receive. In addition, the Hungarian Federation of the Blind and Partially Sighted, which is implementing the project, has also distributed 800 smartphones to visually impaired people.

Watch a short film about the project:

The project was made possible thanks to the EFOP-1.1.5.-17-2017-00001 project, with EU funding.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder: Details



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