Competitiveness and development: New momentum on the South Balaton railway line!

2023. 07. 14.

The South Balaton railway line is one of the busiest lines in Hungary. With the support of the European Union track modernisation and infrastructure upgrade has been carried out making the railway line able to compete with public roads.

As a result of the development the journey time between the capital city and Keszthely was reduced by 10 minutes and the service quality also improved. Passengers are greeted by platforms ensuring safe and comfortable boarding and disembarkation, furthermore, renewed and accessible pedestrian crossings help those who are travelling with luggage, children, or who are elderly. In the area of the upper stations situated in Balatonszemes and Balatonlelle a new, second track was built. In the framework of the project 26 road crossings were renovated, 91 pedestrian crossings were fully rebuilt, and 6 new pedestrian crossings were established ensuring the barrier-free and safe crossing on the entire section. New rain shelters were built at the stations and an additional 15 kilometres of anti-noise barriers serve the peace of mind of those living along the railway line. This project implemented with European Union support gave new momentum to the South Balaton railway line contributing to the development of the region and the development of the transport infrastructure.

The development was implemented thanks to the IKOP-2.1.0-15-2016-00008 project under the Integrated Transport Operational Programme by involving EU funds.

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