The electronic payment system implemented from EU support revolutionised administration.

2023. 07. 14.

As a result of a project that was granted EU support a new, efficient electronic payment system was implemented. This development brought revolutionary changes in administration. From now on customers may also initiate administrative matters electronically and may also fulfil their payment obligations using a bank card. In addition, the Educational Payment Portal makes it possible to request a European Youth Card (EYCA) and fee payment online, significantly decreasing the lead time.

This project not only provides faster and more comfortable case management, but also contributes to more cost-efficient and safer administration. This EU-funded development means real progress in digital administration, which has several benefits for both customers and the Education Authority.


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The implementation of this development was made possible due to project KÖFOP-1.2.2-VEKOP-18-2018-00003 under the Public Administration and Civil Service Development Operational Programme and the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Programme by involving EU funding.

For more information please click on the supported project finder: Details



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