Ground-breaking cutting-edge technology for fruit storage

2023. 10. 06.

A technology developed by LHG Lukács Hűtéstechnika és Gasztronómia Ltd. could revolutionise apple storage thanks to the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (EDIOP). The system allows fruit to be stored for longer periods while maintaining quality helping to meet market demands. Between 2014 and 2020, the Széchenyi2020 development program enabled a number of projects to be made that ensure the sustainable growth of the Hungarian economy, high added-value production and the expansion of employment.

One of the highlights of autumn time is apple harvest, after which the fruit is stored in crates. But how long can you keep apples fresh? LHG Ltd. has developed a technology that allows the fruit to be stored for up to a year keeping the apple tasting fresh.

Research and development have revealed that ethylene, a plant hormone produced as apple ripens, promotes ripening and spoilage in the fruit. The more apples are stored together, the more ethylene is produced, which speeds up the ripening process. Cold storage technology has helped to reduce the production of ethylene, slowing down the ripening process. Storage in controlled temperature also slows down ripening.

LHG Ltd. can contribute to improving the efficiency and competitiveness of the apple industry with its groundbreaking technology, so that consumers can buy one of the most popular Hungarian fruits for a longer period of time.

The project was implemented in the framework of GINOP 2.1.2-8-14-16-2019-00911, with EU funding.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder: Details



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