Indispensable development for the conservation of traditional Hungarian animal breeds

2023. 12. 13.

A total of six hundred animals make up the livestock whose proper, breed-specific wintering is ensured by the Directorate of Körös-Maros National Park (KMNPI), thanks to the support obtained from the Széchenyi2020 development program.  As part of the infrastructure development, several additional essential service buildings were also successfully created. This is particularly important as the KMNPI has the largest Hungarian grey cattle herd and a significant part of the breed’s gene conservation cow population among the national parks in Hungary. 

Previously, the Hungarian grey cattle and domestic buffaloes, consisting of several hundred animals managed by the KMNPI, did not have an appropriate wintering place, posing a serious problem for proper wintering.  The establishment of this complex was at the heart of the development carried out in the Dévaványa region. The result eventually exceeded the original plans, as the work allowed the replacement of previous wintering places in the inner areas of the plains, which now function as summer habitats.  This is significant as the Dévaványai-Ecsegi plains, with their area exceeding thirteen thousand hectares, form the largest part of the national park.

The newly established wintering place includes the so-called grey cattle shade, accommodating about four hundred animals of mixed ages, providing adequate protection throughout the winter for animals accustomed to rugged conditions.  Another important building is the buffalo stable, which can accommodate two hundred animals of mixed ages during the cold months. Part of the infrastructure development was the creation of buildings serving various support functions, such as a machinery shed, well house, fire water storage, manure storage, as well as the development of the internal road network and utilities of the building complex. 

Grazing is indispensable for maintaining the national park’s plains areas, largely ensured by the Directorate’s management of old Hungarian domestic animal breeds, the Hungarian grey cattle, and Hungarian domestic buffalo, which also serve gene conservation. Currently, the Directorate of Körös-Maros National Park manages the largest part of the Hungarian grey cattle herd and a significant part of the breed’s gene conservation cow population. 

The development in the Dévaványa region also paid special attention to nature conservation aspects.   As a result, the conditions for grazing have significantly improved, affecting different parts of the area in varying intensities and in a mosaic pattern year by year. It is also of special nature conservation value that the most favourable conditions for grazing management of the Dévaványai-Ecsegi plains have been created.  This is particularly significant as this area is home to internationally important great bustard habitats.

The program was implemented with European Union funding under the EEEOP-4.1.0-15-2016-00042 project.

You can learn more about the project in the supported project search:Details



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