Library on four wheels

2023. 09. 25.

The primary goal of the Széchenyi2020 development program is to promote the economic and social cohesion and competitiveness of the country, to which the Human Resources Development Operational Programme (HRDOP) could contribute, among other things, by improving the social environment. Within the framework of this program, the library bus project led by Sándor Bródy County and City Library in Eger was also introduced, which literally “brings culture home”.

The innovative programme ensures equal access to library services, promoting literacy and IT skills for people living in disadvantaged settlements. The launch of the EU-funded library bus service helps to improve library services for residents and schools in the villages of Heves county.

The 14-tonne, air-conditioned, bus offers a range of services to small villages previously available only in traditional libraries. Books, DVDs, magazines, computers, internet and multimedia tools can be borrowed, and there are also film screenings as well as arts and crafts activities. Users can choose from a selection of around 2500 volumes. QR codes on the outside of the vehicle allow electronic access to books, poems and stories on smart devices.

Experience shows that this creative cultural service has brought back or enhanced the reading experience for all ages. The accessible library bus travels every two weeks through the villages of Heves county, promoting access to information and leisure activities.

Watch a short film about the project:

The project was implemented in the framework of EFOP-4.1.8-16-2017-00120, funded by the European Union.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder: Details



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