A modern logistics centre for people in need

2024. 02. 15.

The Baptist Relief Service Foundation’s logistics centre in Pákozd has been built with the help of  European Union funding, significantly improving the efficiency of the organisation’s charitable activities. With the contribution of the funds provided by the Human Resources Development Operational Programme (HRADP), a number of social inclusion programmes and investments were implemented in the 2014-2020 development programme.

The Baptist Relief Service, which was launched in 1996 and has grown to become Hungary’s largest relief organisation, recently completed its largest investment to date in Pákozd, Fejér County. Thanks to the greenfield investment and the development of its equipment, the possibilities for reintegration of disadvantaged families have been significantly expanded, and access to those in need has become faster and more cost-effective. The increased warehouse capacity has also made it possible to receive and distribute larger quantities of donations. The logistics centre in Pákozd also provides a state-of-the-art facility for the Foundation’s humanitarian work.

In addition to Pákozd, similar developments have been made in Békés, Miskolc, Mátészalka and Bükkszentmárton, also in Hungary, to help people in need.

The development was implemented from EU funding in the project EFOP-2.2.15-16-2017-00003 under Human Resources Development Operational Programme.

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