Online application for admission, obtaining certificates and scholarships on the website of the Education Office

2024. 02. 15.

Thanks to the expanded electronic platform of the Education Office, the administration of applications has become easier, faster and less time-consuming. As a result of the project, which was entirely funded by the European Union under the Public Administration and Public Services Development Operational Programme, it is now possible to complete education-related tasks from home at any time, without the need for paper submissions.

The objectives of the project, entitled “Improvement of the Education Register”, are in line with the government’s efforts to ensure that the administration of education is in line with the rise of digitalisation and the expectations of society.

The new service will make the most important data in education records available to all. The interface is easy to use and user-friendly, making administration quick and simple. It allows for the electronic completion and submission of applications through a client registration process, after secure electronic identification and authentication. Among other things, the project will enable users to download proof of their education ID, student ID cards or even apply for central admissions without the need for administrative assistance.

Thanks to the implemented improvements, it is now possible to apply for the secondary central written entrance examinations, six and eight-year high schools online through the Education Office’s interface, and students who are studying or have graduated from higher education with state scholarships can receive up-to-date information on their current scholarship study and employment balance at any time through the online interface. Thanks to this function, the obligations arising from the use of the scholarship can be tracked during the period of study and after the start of employment. With up-to-date information, users can submit applications electronically.

In addition to the main functions used in everyday life, the interface also allows users to register for kindergarten and compulsory education abroad or to renew authorisation procedures for the accreditation of textbooks.

Thanks to the new system, administrative processes will be partially automated, reducing the administrative burden and thus allowing faster administration.

The development was implemented from EU funding in the project KÖFOP-1.0.0-VEKOP-15-2020-00059 under Public Administration and Public Service Development Operational Programme.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:Details



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