A renewable energy biomass heating plant has been connected to the district heating system in Kecskemét

2024. 03. 28.

Thanks to European Union funding, a renewable energy biomass heating plant has been established in the southern industrial area of Kecskemét, on Mindszenti Boulevard. Implemented as a priority government investment under the Széchenyi 2020 program, this project represents the largest current investment in Hungary’s district heating sector and is also the most significant development in the history of TERMOSTAR Ltd.

The implementation and integration of the Biomass-fired heating plant, which is of significant importance for the energy management of Kecskemét, into the district heating system, is part of a project realized through a consortium of Kecskeméti Termostar Heat Supply Ltd. and the Ministry of Construction and Transport (MCT).

In Kecskemét, the Kecskeméti Termostar Heat Supply Ltd. provides district heating services to residents in the Széchenyiváros and Árpádváros districts with the help of two local heating plants. One heating plant serves the district heating needs of Árpádváros and the city center, while the other serves the largest residential area in Kecskemét in Széchenyiváros. The newly constructed biomass-fired heating plant is connected to this network as part of the project.

The new heating plant allows for the use of renewable fuels (wood chips, urban and other green waste) in the provision of district heating services. The operation of the biomass plant also increases the proportion of land that can be afforested by approximately 10%, as the areas currently occupied by wood waste left in fields will be freed up for use in the heating plant in the future.

The aim of the developments was not only to build and place the power plant in service, but also to integrate the new facility into the existing district heating system and heat sources. This required infrastructure development, including the modification of various circulating, pressure-holding, and pumping systems. District heating pipelines were also installed, creating a unified system with the biomass heating plant on the entire district heating network operated by Kecskeméti Termostar Heat Supply Ltd.

The development reduces Kecskemét’s dependence on natural gas while making renewable energy sources available to new areas and consumers. The project also contributes to keeping consumer and service provider costs stable.

The development was implemented from EU funding in the project KEHOP-5.3.4-21-2021-00003 under the Environmental and Energy Efficiency Operational Program.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:Details



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