Balassagyarmat Hospital’s equipment enhanced with three ultrasound devices

2023. 12. 13.

The Dr. Kenessey Albert Hospital and Outpatient Clinic in Balassagyarmat has enhanced its diagnostic capabilities with three new ultrasound devices, leading to more accurate results, targeted treatments, and faster patient care. These devices were acquired during the 2014–2020 European Union funding period, as part of an EFOP (Human Resource Development Operational Programme) project.

The acquisition was motivated by the desire to reduce the pressure on healthcare workers, achieve higher quality care, and increase overall patient and family satisfaction. The Dr. Kenessey Albert Hospital and Outpatient Clinic in Balassagyarmat applied for modern ultrasound equipment under the Human Resources Development Operational Programme (EFOP). The funding application was submitted in 2017, and the successful project concluded in 2020.

The healthcare facility acquired three devices with 100% non-repayable EU funding.  These imaging tools are used by the diagnostic department, adult and paediatric cardiology, and the obstetrics and gynaecology department.  The high-level obstetrics-gynaecology ultrasound, as well as the advanced radiological and cardiological ultrasounds, replaced outdated, low-resolution machines, marking a significant advancement for the hospital.

These modern machines enable higher quality, more accurate diagnostic examinations for the 85,000 potential patients in the service area,  significantly improving patient care quality and increasing chances of recovery. With more precise results, diseases can be detected earlier, allowing for sooner commencement of targeted treatments, thereby shortening hospital stays. 

Thanks to the project, modern healthcare services are now accessible even in the disadvantaged areas of the West Nógrád district, achieving regional equality in access to high-quality, modern care. The efficiency of care has improved, reducing the need to refer patients to other institutions and increasing the hospital’s cost-effectiveness. The modern ultrasound devices are easier to operate and require less time, reducing the pressure on staff.  This HRDOP project has, in every respect, elevated the standard and esteem of the Dr. Kenessey Albert Hospital and Outpatient Clinic in Balassagyarmat.

The program was implemented with European Union funding under the HRDOP-2.2.20-17-2017-00035 project.

More details can be found in the supported project search:Details



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