The world is a rounder place in Pécs

2023. 12. 13.

New services have been added to the primary school for special needs children run by the Kerek Világ Alapítvány (Round World Foundation). In addition to equine and canine therapy, a special room has been created where children can stimulate their senses in a harmonious and calming environment with different stimuli, including light, colour, sound, music and scents. Through the Széchenyi 2020 Human Resource Development Operational Programme, several billion HUF of EU funds were allocated between 2014 and 2020 to innovative projects such as this one. 

The Kerek Világ Foundation in Pécs has been involved in the education of children with disabilities for almost 25 years. The institution currently cares for more than sixty children with special educational needs who require special educational assistance. Each of the small groups has a special needs teacher, who is assisted by two or three teaching assistants.  In addition to their studies, the children also receive tailor-made development including conductive pedagogy, physiotherapy, visual development, as well as speech and language therapy.

Thanks to the support, a versatile Snoezelen or multisensory therapy room equipped with special equipment has been set up to help develop and activate basic psychological functions such as attention, perception and cognition, stimulate verbal and non-verbal communication and relieve tension.

The Kerek Világ Foundation aims to improve access to equitable, quality education, to which this project has contributed significantly.

Watch a short film about the project:

The project was funded by the EU in the framework of the EFOP-3.1.6-16-2017-0007 project.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:  Details



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