Digital experience centres make the world of IT more attractive

2023. 10. 03.

The primary goal of developments in the 2014-2020 programming period is to upgrade the economic, social cohesion and the competitiveness of the country. Within the framework of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (EDIOP), a number of projects were completed to promote responsible career choices. Digital Experience Centres, supported by the European Union, show young people that a career in IT can be exciting and attractive. Innovative approaches and creative activities develop digital skills and help meet future labour market demand.

The aim of the large-scale project was to strengthen cooperation between training institutions and information and communication technology (ICT) businesses, and to raise the profile and popularity of IT professions. The project set up demonstration and experience centres in three locations across the country: in Budapest, Debrecen and Győr.

The MobilITy-Győr Digital Experience Centre is a real success story, where young people learn by playing and discover the latest infocommunication tools. Interactive robots, virtual reality and creative activities help young people to learn and fall in love with the IT profession. The centre allows young people to experience first-hand the fascinating world of digital technology.

The project aims to develop the ICT sector, an important contributor to the national economy, and to help young people be better prepared to enter the labour market.

The project was implemented in the framework of GINOP-3.1.1-VEKOP-15-2016-00001, with EU funds.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder: Details



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