Geothermal savings from the depth of the earth

2023. 08. 21.

The municipality of Földes, a large village, implemented its geothermal heating modernisation project from hundreds of millions of forints with European Union funding. In the framework of the project, heating modernisation was implemented for key institutions of the community, the sport changing room, the kindergarten, the Mayor’s Office and two primary schools. The project resulted in several benefits for the community, including the geothermal heating system offering an environmentally friendly and sustainable solution.

The use of alternative energies decreases the ecological footprint of the municipality contributing to the fight against climate change. To sum up, the geothermal heating modernisation project has a significant positive effect in the large village of Földes. The sustainable and economical energy use of the institutions operated with the modernised heating contributes to the improvement of the quality of life of the community, to financial savings and to facilitating sustainable development.

Geothermal heating is technology utilising the heat of the earth, in which the thermal energy is gained directly from the ground. Supplying geothermal heating in the village of Földes to the key institutions of the community has resulted in more than 60% savings during the heating season.

The development project was implemented by using EU funding due to project TOP-3.2.2-15-HB1-2016-00009.

For more details click on the project information page: Details



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