Personality development programmes for strengthening children’s skills

2024. 01. 19.

Developing children’s learning skills, strengthening language and communication skills, fostering creativity development and the acquisition of digital knowledge – those were the themes of the Csodaszarvas (Miraculous Deer) Community Program at THE LÁSZLÓ VÁSÁRHELYI PRIMARY SCHOOL OF ART in Nyíregyháza. More than seven hundred students participated in the project, which was implemented within the framework of the Human Resources Development Operational Programme during the European Union 2014-2020 programming period.

The Csodaszarvas School Community Program is a national initiative that focuses on experiential pedagogy. The purposes of the thematic sessions (classes), which complement the curriculum, are personality development and playful learning based on one’s own experience and activity. The another goal of the program is to expand teachers’ methodological tools based on experiential pedagogy.

The László Vásárhelyi Primary School of Art in Nyíregyháza has participated in this exciting initiative, which held the Csodaszarvas Community Program for a total of 704 students in 2021 within the framework of HRDOP, with European Union funding. The institution operated by the Botoló Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft. implemented a complex personality development program with the help of art pedagogy, where children could meet different forms of art education during thematic sessions. The programme aims to foster children’s needs for lifelong learning and to promote equal opportunities for the next generation.

The day care trainings consisted of several elements, each of which contained an important message: For example, a section on the development of learning skills, or sessions aimed at strengthening language and communication skills, as well as digital knowledge – those are essential for achieving a better life.

The programme places a strong emphasis on the development of key competencies (native language, mathematics, digital, interpersonal, civic), fostering creativity, community building, facilitating social integration, furthermore educating for a healthy lifestyle based on proper hygiene, nutrition, love for sport and keeping the environment clean. During handicraft sessions, children could learn new techniques, discover the basics of acting, gain insight into the world of Hungarian folk music and folk dance, and try out folk instruments.

In addition to what was mentioned before, students could also participate in trips, musical events and various competitions as community-building programs. All elements of the Csodaszarvas Community Program served the versatile and complex development of their personalities.

The program was implemented in the EFOP-3.3.5-19-2020-00008 project under the Human Resource Development Operational Programme, with EU funding.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:Details



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