Physical education at a high level

2024. 05. 16.

The project of the Hungarian School Sport Federation focused on the development of quality physical education, which was implemented with the support of the Human Resources Development Operational Programme. It has contributed to the fact that, with a modern approach to physical education, students have health-conscious, future-oriented life-leading key competences, and the need for lifelong regular exercises will be incorporated into the behavior of as many students as possible.

he project titled T.E.S.I. – 2.0 – Interventions for quality (inclusive) physical education and training responded to the challenge that the culture and lifestyle of population has changed to an increasing extent in the 21st century. Sedentary lifestyle has negative health effects, and it is a serious challenge to counterbalance it among both adolescents and adults. The large-scale development programme of the Hungarian School Sport Federation focused on developing and promoting the quality of health-protecting excercise and the education on health-conscious lifestyle, in accordance with the T.E.S.I 2020 strategy adopted by the Government.

The main objective of the T.E.S.I. 2020 Physical Education in Health Promotion strategic actions is to develop the educational framework of quality physical education and to define its roadmap to support its implementation in Hungary and the European Union. In addition, it aims to establish the conditions for quality physical education and education in the field of public education and related services as well as trainings and qualifications. The proposed measures and interventions were defined taking into account the fact that they are really feasible and sustainable in the medium term, and thus also have an effect in the long term. In the project, two training programs were developed, which focused on new solutions for planning and learning assessment and the creation of a positive motivational environment, as well as a modern approach to teaching physical education in school. The version of the NETFIT health-oriented fitness assessment system adapted for children with special educational needs was presented in the framework of a series of national conferences. In 2019, the second, expanded edition of the online NETFIT manual was also published. Several people participated in the trainings at professional conferences and workshops, methodological publications and educational films were also made.

The project contributed to the continuous quality-based development of daily school physical education, which supports the renewal of quality physical education and physical education trainings.

The program was implemented with European Union funding under the EFOP-3.2.8-16-2016-00001  project.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:Details



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