The former Rudolf Barracks in Kecskemét now serves family and child welfare

2024. 04. 26.

For two years now, a renovated complex has been operating in Kecskemét, housing the family and child welfare services center. Thanks to the support of the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Program, the project creates a more advanced infrastructural environment for urban and district-level family support and child welfare services. The modern facility facilitates family-focused social work and also serves as a professional workshop.

Since 2016, family support has been integrated with child welfare services under the Health and Social Institutions Directorate in Kecskemét. The institution carries out a multifaceted range of tasks, providing mental health counseling and crisis management for those facing financial difficulties. It offers guidance for the unemployed, those experiencing housing problems, people with disabilities, and other socially disadvantaged individuals and their families. Additionally, steps are taken to promote children’s welfare, support family upbringing, and prevent endangerment. Its responsibilities also include hospital social work, 24-hour on-call services, legal and psychological counseling, and social work in street and housing estate settings. Moreover, due to changes in legislation, the center has been responsible for the entire area of the Kecskemét district since January 1, 2016. The increased workload justified the establishment of a larger, more modern facility meeting the standards of the 21st century, where the institution’s employees can carry out their work under appropriate conditions.

The institution is housed in the former Rudolf Barracks in Kecskemét. During construction, the former non-commissioned officer school and the shower-laundry facility were completely renovated in accordance with heritage conservation principles. The shooting range between the two buildings was reconstructed and expanded with the involvement of heritage protection experts. This area now houses the institution’s client service and community facilities, while office spaces were created in the two renovated buildings. Spread across three interconnected, barrier-free buildings with covered walkways, there are over five offices and rooms covering a total area of ​​1300 square meters. The neighboring 5200 square meter area serves as a venue for outdoor programs and group activities. Energy efficiency measures implemented during the investment enable environmentally conscious, cost-effective, and sustainable operation of the institution in the long run.

As part of the Integrated Settlement Development Strategy, the project contributes to the preservation and restoration of the city’s cultural heritage. The municipality of Kecskemét considers providing quality family and child welfare services as a priority task, which not only serves the need for equal life chances but also contributes to ensuring equal treatment and equal opportunities.


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The development was implemented from EU funding in the project TOP-6.6.2-15-KE1-2016-00002 under the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Program.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:Details



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