The newly constructed highway between Körmend and Rábafüzes improves both regional and international accessibility

2024. 02. 16.

With the support of the Integrated Transport Development Operational Programme, a 28.9 km long, 2×1 lane cross-section highway was built on a new route from the city of Körmend to the national border. The implementation of the project ensures a consistently high level of service and traffic safety for the affected region and the transit traffic passing through.

Under the project titled “Preparation and Construction of the 2×1 Lane Section of the M8 Motorway Körmend–Rábafüzes, Border Section,” in addition to building the highway, a grade-separated junction, four separate-level junctions, 1220 meters of noise barriers, and 36 structures such as underpasses, overpasses, and wildlife crossings were constructed. A simple resting area was created in Gasztony, and a complex resting area was established in Rábafüzes, at the national border. An interesting aspect of the project is the construction of one of Hungary’s longest viaducts, the Vasszentmihály Viaduct, which is an approximately 570-meter-long girder bridge with 11 supports.

Construction works began in 2018, and the entire section of the highway was officially opened to traffic and ceremonially handed over in October 2021. The project also included the transformation of the junction of Route 8 (Berki Road) into a roundabout.

As a result of the development, regional and international accessibility has significantly improved, in addition to bypassing the settlements. The section included in the project will be part of the future TEN-T European network.

The European Union’s policy on Trans-European Transport Networks (TEN-T) encompasses railways, inland waterways, short sea shipping routes, urban nodes, sea and inland ports, airports, and terminals connecting roads. The comprehensive network links all EU regions to the core network and is expected to be completed by 2050.


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The development was implemented from EU funding in the project IKOP-1.1.0-15-2017-00029 under the Integrated Transport Development Operational Programme.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:Details



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