The renovated Hévíz market evolves into a community space

2023. 12. 13.

A modern marketplace, an environment meeting 21st-century expectations, and a new pavilion now welcome traders and shoppers at the Hévíz market, which has been revitalised with Hungarian co-financing during the European Union’s 2014–2020 funding period, under the Territorial and Urban Development Operational Programme (TDOP).

The Hévíz Producers’ Market is one of the town’s popular services, open several times a week for those who appreciate authentic flavours and artisan products.  Master cheesemakers, vegetable and fruit growers, honey producers offer quality products alongside fresh bakery items, sausages, and homemade lemonade at the stalls. Visitors can also buy pottery, baskets, or handmade soaps directly from the craftsmen.  The atmosphere is further enriched by occasional cultural programs and community events.

The popular Hévíz Producers’ Market revives the ambiance of the city’s former tented markets, in a new location and with new content. When selecting the site, it was important for the city leadership that the market be close to the city centre and the bus station, easily accessible both on foot and by car, while also providing parking for those arriving by vehicle. Széchenyi Street was an ideal choice from this perspective, as it is easily accessible to everyone, including those with various mobility impairments who visit Hévíz for its therapeutic baths.

The area was handed over to the contractor in November 2020, and the construction work was completed with the technical handover in December 2021.  In March 2022, following the occupancy procedure, traders and shoppers took possession of the new, modern marketplace.

In addition to meeting 21st-century needs, the market area has been enriched with green spaces, functioning as a community space and welcoming shoppers with a stylish and appealing exterior as the city’s gateway. 

The renovated Hévíz Producers’ Market fits into the cityscape, contributing to the satisfaction of locals and tourists alike. Hévíz is the second most popular tourist destination in Hungary after Budapest, based on the number of guest nights, attracting not only Hungarian but also numerous foreign tourists. For them, the market has become a tourist attraction, with producers and craftsmen coming from all over the country. This allows visitors to acquaint themselves with Hungarian culture, agriculture, and gastronomy.

The creation of a high-quality market environment also benefits trade, from which the market’s farmers and artisans can profit. Thus, the investment ensures the long-term operation of the market, vital for the livelihood of local producers, and sustains domestic and foreign demand.

The project, titled “Renovation of the Hévíz Producers’ Market in the Spirit of Tradition,” resulted in a multifunctional space that seamlessly integrates with previous downtown developments. 

The investment was made possible with European Union funding under the TDOP-1.1.3-15-ZA1-2016-00005 project.

You can learn more about the project in the supported project search:Details



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