Unique experiences in discovering nature – new developments at Pál-völgyi Cave

2023. 08. 21.

The visitor centre at Pál-völgyi Cave has been renovated with EU support and now awaits visitors with exhibitions, tactile rocks and interactive experiences. The newly refitted exhibit space now offers more experiences for nature lovers and brings the natural wonder of the formation of caves closer and makes it more understandable. 

The specially protected Pál-völgyi Cave exhibition space has been renovated and due to development. the isolated caves and the surrounding wildlife have become more discoverable. The renovation of the building makes it possible to accept larger groups, with the establishment of a new cashier’s desk, exhibition space, play cave and screening room. In addition to showcasing the geological, hydrological and nature conservation values of the caves, the visitor centre also offers environmental education with an exhibition space and a screening room among others. Moreover, the venue also caters for the comfort of tour guides and employees.

This innovation-filled project makes it possible for us to better know the treasures and flora and fauna of nature. Visit the Pál-völgyi Cave and immerse yourself in the magical world of nature.

For more information watch the film made about the visitor centre of Pál-völgyi Cave:

The development was implemented by using EU funding due to project VEKOP-4.2.1-15-2016-00004 in the framework of the Competitive Central Hungary Operational Programme.

Click on the project information page for more details:Details



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