Energy efficient school building in Vásárosnamény

2024. 07. 23.

In the 2014-2020 programming period, the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme (TOP) has the largest resources which supports developments implemented in the country as well as in Budapest and in Pest County. Its primary goal is regional and decentralized economic development, thus increasing employment and ensuring the local well-being of the working population. In addition, in order to promote the sustainability of settlements, its main goal is to improve the energy efficiency of local governments.

In Vásárosnamény, the operational programme carried out energy modernization in the buildings of the Eötvös József Primary and Art School with European Union’s support.  As part of the energy modernization, the thermal insulation of the outer walls, plinths and attic slabs of several buildings belonging to the school was implemented and the heating system of the buildings where the young ones educated became modernized as well. During the development, the energy classification of the building was significantly improved by the construction of a condensing gas boiler heating system, weather control and the replacement of the heat dissipation network and doors and windows, making its maintenance more economical and sustainable.

145 solar panels have been installed on top of the school buildings, so the educational institution also uses renewable energy sources to meet its energy needs. Achieving EU climate targets is in the interest of all of us, so it is particularly important that school children already experience the positive effects of energy efficiency in their studies, so that developments can promote not only savings but also climate-conscious thinking.

The development was implemented from EU funding in the project TOP-3.2.1-16-SB1-2018-00008 under the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme

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