Strengthening Domestic Firefighting Capabilities with 59 New Vehicles

2024. 03. 18.

With the support of the Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Program, the fleet of the National Directorate General for Disaster Management (NDGDM) of the Ministry of Interior has been enriched with new vehicles and various technical equipment in all counties and the capital city. An excellent level of disaster response and technical equipment has been developed, capable of ensuring the safety of citizens even during sudden emergencies caused by climate change, in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly manner.

The negative effects of climate change on our environment pose new challenges to organizations involved in disaster management. Water damage poses a significant risk, but it is also important to highlight the sudden local emergencies resulting from weather changes. The increasing frequency of vegetation, forest, and brush fires can all be closely linked to climate change. Since the triggering causes and consequences cannot be entirely prevented, disaster management emphasizes preparedness and operational efficiency.

The project titled “Installation of vehicles suitable for extinguishing forest fires and water transport vehicles” aimed to equip the NDGDM with a fleet of vehicles capable of immediate response to prevent the spread of forest fires and perform complex, specialized tasks. Additionally, it was crucial to ensure effective technical equipment and mobility for firefighting in difficult-to-reach areas. The goal was to establish an excellent level of disaster response and technical equipment system that can significantly enhance the safety of citizens and the environment in a cost-effective manner.

Within the framework of the project the vehicle fleet of the disaster management was expanded with 16 single-cab and 14 double-cab water transport vehicles, three container transport vehicles, and three heavy-duty off-road firefighting vehicles. Furthermore, 21 rapid intervention vehicles for forest fires, two fuel transport-refueling vehicles, four battery-operated combination cutting tools, and five battery-operated backpack power supplies were procured.

With the development of the vehicle and equipment fleet, the disaster management forces are capable of arriving at the scene more quickly, with greater capacity and modern equipment to effectively carry out damage control.

The development was implemented from EU funding in the project KEHOP-1.6.0-15-2016-00020 under the Environmental and Energy Efficiency Operational Program.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:Details



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