The sports hall of the high school in Piliscsaba has been modernized

2024. 04. 05.

The sports hall of Dr. László Szepesi Vocational School of Agriculture and Forestry was developed with the support of the Environmental and Energy Efficiency Operational Program (KEHOP). Through the energy modernization, the building can be operated in compliance with the European Union’s energy efficiency directive, while reducing maintenance and operational costs.

The aim of KEHOP was to reduce environmental pollution and excessive exploitation of natural resources, preserve biodiversity, and prioritize sustainability. Therefore, the program supported nationwide the energy modernization of public buildings, educational and training institutions, as each economically and modernly designed building contributes to the preservation of our natural resources. The energy modernization of the sports hall at the Dr. László Szepesi Vocational School of Agriculture and Forestry, and Dormitory was also carried out in line with this objective.

Prior to the improvements, the sports hall operated with high energy consumption and an uncontrollable heating system, while the building structure was physically and technically outdated. The poorly sealing windows did not meet the current heat technical and structural requirements, resulting in significant heat loss. During the thermal modernization of the hall, they renewed the heating system of the sports facility and structurally reinforced the building. The works also involved the external structural elements of the building, insulating the facade walls, bases, and replacing the facade windows.

The realized energy investment contributed to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and complies with the energy efficiency directives set by the European Union. The development resulted in environmentally conscious energy consumption in the buildings operated by AM KASZK Miklós Bercsényi Vocational School of Food Industry and Dormitory.

The development was implemented from EU funding in the project KEHOP-5.2.2-16-2016-00051 under the Environmental and Energy Efficiency Operational Program.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:Details



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