Staff development for a competitive civil service

2024. 06. 17.

The Ministry of Interior’s project to strengthen the public sector’s labour supply has trained more than 4,000 civil service staff, moreover the services of the already widely known ”Közigállás” Public Service Job Portal has been also renewed and expanded.

The Public Services and Public Administration Development Operational Programme defined the development of a more customer-oriented, service-oriented state role in order to ensure the proper functioning of public administration and public services and thus to increase Hungary’s competitiveness.

The specific objective of the project Strategic Support for Staff Succession in a Competitive Civil Service was to introduce a human resource management system that provides the competences required for service-oriented task delivery and is in line with career models. In addition to the training of thousands of civil servants, the curriculum of the optional subjects on civil service themes has been renewed, and following its development, the mentoring scheme will be available throughout the country. In the civil service selection system, there is a strong emphasis on competency-based selection. The Government Personnel Decision Support System supports the efficiency of fact-based government and organisational personnel policy making by creating a human resources basic register.

The developments have resulted in a quick and modern set of tools in public administration and law enforcement, that enable a range of activities from individual employer decision-making to complex analyses of the affected sectors.

The program was implemented with European Union funding under the KÖFOP-2.1.5-VEKOP-16-2016-00001 project.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:Details



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