Electric buses for a greener Pécs

2024. 06. 05.

With the support of the Integrated Transport Development Operational Programme, Pécs has purchased ten buses with electric propulsion only. The new fleet and related infrastructure developments will contribute to environmental protection and make local transport more popular. The vehicles are also special because they have been given unique stickers inspired by Pécs artists, featuring iconic buildings of the city.

The Municipality of Pécs, under the project titled “Purchase of electric buses, construction of the energy supply and service infrastructure”, has purchased ten low-floor, electric city buses with a capacity of 64 passengers and connecting charging stations. In addition, a hall building of nearly 600 m2 with charging and serving functions was also established at the service provider’s premises.

The low-floor e-buses, which are around 12 metres long, are air conditioned and have free Wi-fi. Information for the travelling public is displayed on an interior TFT monitor and three external LED matrix displays. Safety equipment include a collision avoidance system that senses pedestrians, warns the driver and can even brake automatically. The vehicles are equipped with a 330 kWh total battery capacity, which can cover almost 315 kilometres, of which 80 percent can be used during daily operation.

With the introduction of e-buses, emissions of pollutants have been reduced. That also contributes to improve the quality of air and to achieve the country’s climate protection goals.


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The program was implemented with European Union funding under the IKOP-3.2.0-15-2017-00021 project.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:Details



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