New environmentally friendly buses in Nyíregyháza

2024. 04. 26.

Cleaner air and reduced noise pollution in Nyíregyháza. As a result of a project supported by EU funding, Nyíregyháza has added 41 new compressed natural gas (CNG) buses to its public transportation fleet. As part of the project, a charging station was established to facilitate the operation of the new buses, and a site for storing the buses was also created.

A key element of the Integrated Transport Development Operational Program (IKOP) is strengthening clean urban and suburban transportation, including the procurement of urban electric buses and the development of high-traffic suburban railway lines. In line with these objectives is the project titled “Procurement of 41 new CNG buses, establishment of charging station, and creation of bus depot for the development of public transport in Nyíregyháza County Town”.

Zero-emission public transportation vehicles (such as urban electric buses, trolleybuses, trams) significantly reduce residential noise pollution and contribute to maintaining cleaner and healthier air quality.

The new CNG (compressed natural gas) buses emit significantly less pollutants into the air, with an 86% reduction compared to a diesel-powered vehicle. Natural gas is a clean energy source, emitting less carbon dioxide and pollutants when burned compared to traditional diesel vehicles. CNG buses typically store compressed natural gas in special tanks, which is then fed into the vehicle’s engine where it is burned to power the vehicle.

These buses, which can be operated completely safely, are less environmentally harmful and quieter than traditional diesel buses, which can be particularly important in cities and towns where improving air quality and reducing noise pollution are key goals. The project provides 100% funding to establish the new bus depot and cover its ancillary costs, including the installation of the CNG filling station. As a result of the project, the depot has been built, the CNG charging station has been established, and a traffic management and passenger information system has been implemented.

The procurement of new buses and the establishment of the bus depot not only enable more environmentally friendly transportation but can also be more cost-effective for the city in the long run.


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The development was implemented from EU funding in the project IKOP-3.2.0-15-2016-00013 under the Integrated Transport Development Operational Programme.

Find out more about the project in the Project Finder:Details





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